Ciao a tutti

Benvenuti in the first 24/7 shop in Ticino

In Intragna, in the Centovalli Valley, you can shop 24 hours a day, 7 days a week in a small, real village shop. There is a basic assortment for daily needs. Mainly in organic quality and if possible from the region.

Get the QR code for unrestricted access to the shop on your mobile phone.

Personal contact is guaranteed. Ursula and her team are in the shop at certain times.


From Intragna train station, it's a 5-minute walk up the long staircase to the highest church tower in Ticino. Here in the village square, with the Centovalli town hall, you will also find the avantiavanti da Ursula shop.


  • There is a reader in front of the shop. To open the door, I scan my QR code.

  • To get this on my mobile phone, I register once using the following form:
    Register for access code

  • While Ursula or the team are present, there is no need for a code to access the shop.

  • If I wish, I can get a customer card with the QR code.

  • Payment options: cash, TWINT and all major cards. The shop is video-monitored.


There is a basic assortment for daily needs. Mainly in organic quality and if possible from the region. Let us know if there is something you are interested in. We can usually order your desired product through our organic partners within a week.

Important: For larger quantities, as a small shop we depend on your order in advance. To get the article list and further information click on Contact.

Intragna, and there...

... stands the highest bell tower in the canton of Ticino at 65 metres and now the first 24-hour village shop in Ticino.

With the support of innovative technology, it could succeed in taking the culture of a small village shop into a new era.

It has always been the case that people went to the shop around the corner, in the past to Caterina's, to get their little things. Times have changed a bit, but we still need small things today...